Histórico de partidas de Mreerd

Classifição Duoo
Parceiros de Duo
Platinum 4
Rank mínimo
há 10 meses
Visto pela última vez

Histórico de partidas Mostrando os últimos 10 jogos

Campeão Estatísticas Farm Equipa Equipa inimiga Tempo
Varus Flex
Varus Na conta Principal
11/3/6 5.67 KDA 207 8.04 cs/m
25:44 May 05, 13:38:32
Draven Flex
Draven Na conta Principal
7/10/15 2.20 KDA 252 6.88 cs/m
36:37 May 05, 12:53:35
Gwen Na conta Principal
6/7/7 1.86 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
23:14 May 05, 11:05:55
Azir Na conta Principal
7/6/7 2.33 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
22:06 May 05, 10:44:45
Elise Na conta Principal
3/6/2 0.83 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
23:01 May 05, 10:27:08
Brand Na conta Principal
18/5/1 3.80 KDA 1 0.04 cs/m
24:00 May 05, 10:00:09
Cho'Gath Na conta Principal
18/4/9 6.75 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
20:48 May 05, 09:36:15
Jinx Na conta Principal
3/5/2 1.00 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
21:24 May 05, 09:21:17
Yorick Draft
Yorick Na conta Principal
3/4/6 2.25 KDA 212 7.86 cs/m
26:58 May 05, 07:23:10
Draven Draft
Draven Na conta Principal
1/0/0 KDA perfeito 26 4.81 cs/m
05:24 May 05, 07:01:31

Junte-se ao Duoo Junte-se ao Duoo e encontre o seu próximo parceiro duo!

Sobre mim

Looking for someone to casually play flex or soloq and chill. If you are willing to learn the game and open to cooperation im down. (Im not a coach or anything but i point it out if i see sth very wrong) Pref looking for a supp mid or jng since im adc and when i play with top laners i feel like we are not even in the same game. And voice chat is a must.

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